We have achieved bronze level accredutation as an eco=church and are working to achieve silver as an eco-Church. Our focus on how we can look after this part of our world, to increase the plant life and wildlife that shares it with us.
The churchyard stretches round all 4 sides of our 12th century building. Most of the older gravestones are to the south, near Church Lane – where you can see that for many centuries St Wilfrid’s has provided a final resting place for people from Latchford and Thelwall as well as Grappenhall.
Amongst the memorial stones there are flowers, shrubs and trees which are looked after by our volunteer gardeners, assisted where necessary, by specialists. This is a place of beauty. It is cared for and cared about.
Increasing the range of plants and wildlife is being promoted by installing feeders, drinking stations, nesting boxes and planting flowers and shrubs. We want to encourage hedgehogs, butterflies, bees and other insects.
So much Grappenhall land is being built on, let’s enjoy this precious stretch of green, whilst helping as diverse a range of God’s creatures to enjoy it and flourish too.
Several people have kindly donated benches which are arranged through the churchyard and in the new courtyard. Please take the opportunity to rest and enjoy this very special place.
When visiting the churchyard please be sensitive to those visiting the graves of loved ones.
We plan to establish a nature trail through the Churchyard to help visitors and school groups identify what is growing, flying or hiding around the churchyard. A small weather station would give us readings, so we could see the facts, for ourselves, on about how changes in our weather affects the natural world. We can learn how plants and animals depend upon each other, to grow and multiply.
If you have skills in gardening, wildlife identification or photography please get in touch with church office on 01925 269861 or stwilfschurchoffice@btinternet.com.
if you would like to donate to our Living Churchyard/Eco-Church Project