St Wilfrid's Church









Prayer is at the heart of our lives as Christians. When his disciples asked him how they should pray Jesus gave them 'The Lord's Prayer', telling them to pray that they might be obedient to what God wanted for their lives, to ask God for what they needed and to forgive those who wronged them. Through prayer we reach out to others in love and compassion and we make it possible for God's kingdom to flourish on earth. Jesus often took himself away from the business and noise of life to pray alone, quietly. In our busy world, where there are so many demands  and stresses on our lives, prayer gives us time to slow down, think and reflect on what really matters - our relationship of love with God and with one another.

Prayer is always an integral part of our worship. If you would like someone to pray with you individually please contact Rev'd Jane or speak to a member of the Ministry Team after a service.

Prayer Groups

Prayer Friends - a group of people committed to praying confidentially for the needs of individuals. Just knowing that this group is praying for you regularly offers encouragement and comfort. Contact Reader Chris Hunter on 01925 604955 or email her on 

Prayer for reconciliation and healing if you are troubled by past events and want to speak and pray confidentially please contact Rev'd Jane.

Morning Prayer - each Monday morning at 9.30am a small group meet in church for Morning Prayer.

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