Building work started on 28th August 2020 on a complex steel and concrete raft that had to be constructed over some difficult terrain, with the added risk that the watching archaeologists might find unexpected artefacts close to our 900 year old church. The construction of what is a beautiful modern annexe is now completed and work is underway to fit out the annexe for use. The major improvements to access routes described in our Safe Access for All phase of the project are now completed.
Thank you to everyone who sent in letters of support for these access improvements - Rev Jane recieved a total of 103 letters within 2 weeks - so there is no doubt that these changes are very much wanted. Grappenhall and Thelwall Parish Council has generously awarded us £5,000 towards the improvements to access and car parking within the Grappenhall Conservation Area. Bernard Sunley Foundation has kindly pledged £10,000 for Safe Access for All. Cheshire Community Foundation has awarded £10,000 for renovating and extending the Courtyard by the annexe entrance to provide a place where people can sit outdoors to enjoy the peace and greenery in the Churchyard. The Robert Clutterbuck Foundation has donated £1,500 for installing lighting along the pedestrian path. Thank you all our donors particularly at this difficult time.
Cheshire Community Foundation very kindly offered us a £10,000 grant in 2018 towards furnishing the annexe. You can see that their chairs have been really useful in church as when covid-19 struck us we needed furniture in church that we can move easily and quickly disinfect. So thank you very much Cheshire Community Foundation.
Garfield Weston Foundation have generously given us £25,000 towards construction of the annexe. Garfield Weston Foundation is a generous supporter of charities working in the arts, community, education, environment, faith, health, museums and heritage, welfare and youth. They also very kindly donated towards the Bells Project in 2017. Thank you Garfield Weston Foundation.
Allchurches Trust, who are funded by St Wilfrid’s insurer, Ecclesiastical Insurance, has awarded £10,500 from their small grants fund to our Church Annexe project. They have also awarded £7,400 from their Growing Lives fund to help children and young people make good use of the Annexe. Allchurches Trust is one of the UK's largest grant-making charities and gave more than £16 million to churches, charities and communities in 2018. Thank you to them for their support.
Thank you to many other generous donors including the Beatrice Laing Trust who kindly donated £6500, Countess Eleanor Peel Trust £5000, and Historic Cheshire Churches Preservation Trust £1850.
YOU CAN DONATE NOW using a credit or debit card, paypal or bank transfer from this website. If you choose bank transfer or debit card you maximise the funds going to the charity. You can also donate either directly into our bank account or by sending a cheque to St Wilfrid's Church Office, Church Lane, Grappenhall Warrington WA4 3EP. For UK taxpayers don't forget to opt for Gift Aid - the tax man will add a further 25% to your donation.